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Types of Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office administers three primary types of programs to help you and your family afford a 富二代视频app education.

Scholarships & Grants

Gift aid that is awarded based on academic achievement, talent, field of study and/or financial need. Scholarships and grants do not have to be repaid.


Funds that are borrowed from a lender to help pay for educational expenses. Loans must be repaid, usually with interest.


Work-study provides part-time employment for students with financial need allowing you to earn money to help pay for educational expenses. Employment earnings do not have to be repaid.

Scholarships & Grants

Scholarships and grants are types of gift aid that do not have to be repaid and are available through federal, state, institutional or private sources.

Eligibility for merit-based scholarships (based on academic strength) and need-based grants (based on demonstrated financial need) is determined at the time of admission.

The amount of scholarship assistance will remain approximately the same each year as long as the following criteria are met:

  • You are a full-time student.
  • You applied for financial aid on time.
  • You are meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress and grade point average (GPA) standards.
  • You have approximately the same amount of financial need that you had in prior years.

Loan Programs

We believe that loans can be a good option in helping finance your education; however, you should never borrow more than you need. Borrowing to meet the costs of a college education can be a wise investment, but it is important to understand terms and conditions.

Unlike other financial aid programs, loans require additional steps such as request forms and promissory notes. If you cannot find what you need on this website, please contact the Financial Aid Office.  If you have received a loan and wish to decline it, simply send your request in an email to financialaid@depauw.edu. Find details about loan programs and the loan application process by navigating through the left menu.  

Loan Programs are Administered by Two separate Offices


The Financial Aid Office is responsible for awarding and confirming eligibility for ALL student loans. This office works with the federal government and private lenders to certify, originate and disburse Federal Direct Stafford and Federal Direct PLUS loans as well as private/alternative loans.  The Financial Aid Office is also responsible for issuing promissory notes and managing disbursement for all institutional loans. 

Payment Services In the Business office

Payment Services is responsible for counseling student borrowers on all issues concerning repayment and deferment. Repayment counseling is available to both current and former students.

Student Employment

富二代视频app University’s student employment policy is based in a philosophy that seeks to honor two objectives: providing financial assistance to students to help fund their educational expenses, and offering meaningful employment that is intended to promote professional growth for students and meet university staffing needs. The skills learned through student employment are significant to the preparation of students and their future careers. 

The work experience is intended to complement the educational process and enhance future employment. The Financial Aid Office awards all student employment on campus. 

Federal Work Study

The  provides financial assistance to students through part-time campus employment and allows Colleges and Universities the opportunity to employ students to fill a variety of departmental positions.  Eligibility for the Federal Work Study Program is determined through completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  Students will be notified of their eligibility for Federal Work Study when they receive their Financial Aid notification letter.  The amount awarded is reflected on their Financial Aid notification letter and this is the maximum amount a student may earn during the academic year.

Required Paperwork:

  • Work study application
  • Federal and state withholding tax forms
  • I-9 required verification of citizenship by the Department of Homeland Security.
(Two pieces of identification are required.  Examples include but are not limited to: one picture ID such as a driver's license or 富二代视频app ID and a non-picture ID such as a social security card or birth certificate. A valid passport is acceptable for both picture and non-picture ID.)

Students may not begin working until all required paper work is completed. All forms are available in the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement, located in the Union Building.

Supervisors are responsible for establishing a work schedule with each student during the interview and hiring process.  On line time card orientation will also be provided by each Supervisor and students must enter time on this time card to participate in the Student Employment Program.  A certification form, outlining the agreement between the Supervisor and the Student will be completed at the time of hiring.  Our student employment wage rate is $9.00 per hour and students will be paid an hour’s wage for an hour worked. 

Students will be paid bi-weekly and may have their student employment earnings directly deposited to a checking, savings account or their tuition account.  This will require the student to complete an authorization form. Students who do not sign an authorization form will receive their bi-weekly check in their mail box located in the Student Union Building.


Student employment opportunities in our After School Community Service Tutoring Program are available for students who are eligible for Federal Work Study.  This program offers tutoring to school age children in 富二代视频appary schools, middle school and high school.  Tutoring takes place both on and off campus.  Students will receive extensive training including but not limited to; chapter study guides, sound effects used in intervention to assist students at low reading levels, as well as tutoring in math.


Returning students should contact their previous employer to establish their schedule and confirm their employment. Supervisors will post additional positions through our on line system available through orkday. Students working for the first time must complete all required paperwork previously referenced. All forms are available in the financial aid office.

Supervisors are responsible for establishing a work schedule with each student during the interview and hiring process. On line time card orientation will also be provided by each Supervisor and students must enter time on this time card to participate in the Student Employment Program. A certification form, outlining the agreement between the Supervisor and the Student will be completed at the time of hiring. Our student employment wage rate is $9.00 per hour and students will be paid an hour’s wage for an hour worked.

Students will be paid bi-weekly and may have their student employment earnings directly deposited to a checking, savings account or their tuition account. This will require the student to complete an authorization form available in the financial aid office and in Human Resources. Students who do not sign an authorization form will receive their bi-weekly check in their mail box located in the Student Union Building.

Non-Work Study Employment

Students not eligible for federal work study can check with the Financial Aid Office at the beginning of each semester to determine availability of funding for employment opportunities. Students must complete all required paperwork before working.

Students not eligible to participate in the Student Employment Program are Residence Hall Assistants, Community Resource Assistants, Bonner Students, Julian Scholars, ITAP Students and Malpas Scholars.