Resources for S Center Faculty
Case Studies
"Case Preparation Guidelines", John Boehrer, Director of Teaching Development,
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
"Case Studies for Faculty Development", Rita Silverman and William M. Welty
Pace University, Center for Case Studies in Education.
"How to Teach a Case", Kennedy School of Government, Case Program.
"Preparing Students for Cases", Dr. Maryann K. Cusimano, Dept. of Politics,
Catholic University of America.
Communication Anxiety
Kathleen Ellis.
, Rosenfeld, Grant, and McCroskey.
Lawrence Rosenfeld.
Behnke, Sawyer, and King.
Vicki S. Freimuth.
"The Effects of Communication Apprehension on Nonverbal Behavior," James C. McCroskey.
McCroskey and Payne.
Sloan and Slane.
"Receiver Apprehension Test (RAT)"
John R. Johnson.
McGuire, Stauble, Abbott, and Fisher.
, McCroskey, Richmond, Daly, and Falcione.
"Understanding and Coping with Speech Anxiety",
"What You Can Do 富二代视频app Nervousness or Stagefright?"
Communication Competence
Gayle K. Levison.
Barbara R. Foorman.
"Communication Competencies: Application to an Educational Context".
William Eadie and Jon Paulson.
Samuel L. Becker and Leah
R. V. Ekdom.
"Interpersonal Communication Instruction: A Behavioral Competency
Approach", Susan R. Glaser.
"Speaking", How to Make A Speech.
John Modall and Robert Hopper.
Communication Education
Ronald J. Matlon.
Staton-Spicer and Marty-White.
Richmond, Davis, Saylor, McCroskey.
"Three Investigations Exploring Relationships Between perceived Teacher
Communication Behaviors and Student Learning", Andersen, Norton,
and Nussbaum.
Discussion Development
"The Challenge of Problem Based Learning", David Boud and Grahame Feletti.
"Classroom Situations Which Lead to Student Participation", Christensen, Cury, Marquez, and Menzel.
"Coaching Thinking Through the Use of Small Groups", John C. Bean.
"The College Classroom: Some Observations on the meaning of Student
Participation", Karp and Yoels.
"Designing Discussions as Group Inquiry", John H. Clarke.
"Designing Effective Group Activities: Lessons for Classroom Teaching and
Faculty Development", Michaelsen, Fink, and Knight.
"Discussion Method Teaching", William M. Welty.
"The Discussion Teacher in Action: Questioning, Listening, and Response",
C. Roland Christensen.
"The Dreaded Discussion: Ten Elements of an Effective Discussion", Peter
"The Dreaded Discussion: Ten Ways to Start", Peter Fredericks.
"Evaluating Class Discussion", Robert S.Weiss "Getting Students Involved in the Classroom", Fuhrmann and Grasha.
"Intern Teambuilding" Ameritech.
"Navigating the Bumpy Road to Student-Centered Instruction", Felder and Brent.
"The Power of Problem-Based Learning in Teaching Introductory Science
Courses", Allen, Duch, and Groh.
"S Faculty Describe the Discussion Component of their S Classes"
"Small Group Techniques: Selecting and Developing Activities Based on
Stages of Group Development", Harris and Watson.
"Teaching Notes: Communicating the Teacher's Wisdom" James E. Austin.
"Using Small-Group Discussions in Science Lectures: A Study of Two
Professors", Mark Windschitl.
"What is Problem-Based Learning?"
"With Open Ears: Listening and the Art of Discussion Leading", Herman B. Leonard.
"A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America", Ronald Takaki.
"Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice", Howard Gardner.
"Student Diversity Requires Different Approaches to College Teaching, Even in Math and Science", Craig E. Nelson.
"Walking on Eggs: Mastering the Dreaded Diversity Discussion", Peter Fredericks.
"Dimensions and Perceived helpfulness of Student Speech Criticism", Book and
"People Give Three Types of Feedback", Be Your Best, Effectiveness Training
"Saying the Right Thing: Assessing the Performance Verbally", Robert Smith
"The Cathcart-Stewart Model of Interviewing", Stewart and Cash.
"Communication Skills for Successful Interviewers".
"Conducting the Employment Interview", Sincoff and Goyer.
"Co-participant Perceptions of Information-Gathering Interviews: Implications for Teaching Interviewing Skills", Seibold and Meyers.
"Corporate Entry Leadership Program", Ameritech Breakthrough.
"An Inner View of the Job Interview: An Investigation of Successful Communicative Behaviors", Lois J. Einhorn.
"Interviewing", Gary M. Richetto and Joseph P. Zima.
"The Journalistic Interview".
"Listening, Feedback, and Feedforward in Interpersonal Communication".
"Interpretive Listening: An Alternative to Empathy", John Stewart.
"Listening as Information Processing".
"Response Modes".
"Retraining to Listen."
"Communicating High Expectations: Effective Undergraduate Education", Scott and
"The Lecture as Discourse", Kenneth Eble
"Power of Story, The" Peter J. Frederick.
"Public Speaking", Gerald R. Haskins.
"Assessment of Reading the News"
Discussion Development
"Assessment of Individual Performance in Groups"
"Checklist of Roles Needed for a Good Discussion
"Course Design/ Collegial Conversation Questions"
"Critics' Discussion Evaluation Sheet"
"Dewey's Five Steps to Problem Solution"
"Discussion Evaluation"
"Guide to following the Structure of a Learning Discussion"
"Hints and Rules for Class Discussions"
"How to ask Questions to bring out Different Levels of Thinking"
"Ideas of Increasing Effective Class Participation"
"Questions for Class Discussions"
"Small Group Self-Evaluation"
"Small Group Dynamics: A Functional Approach"
"Some things People can do in Discussions"
"Tactics for Questioning"
Critique Form
"Reporting on a Piece of Literature"
"Applicant's Checklist for Interview Evaluation"
"Commonly Asked Questions in Employment Interviews"
"Preparing for the Interview'
"Improve Listening"
Public Presentations
"Audio-visual aids for your Speech or Report"
"Creating an Electronic Presentation"
"Feedback forms for Speeches"
"Formats for Research Reports"
"How to Organize a Speech to Inform"
"Impromptu Speech Topics"
"Levels of English Usage"
"Organization of an Informative Speech"
"Practice Your Presentation"
"Presentation Preparation Format"
"Research Related to Persuasive Messages"
"Self Evaluation of Guide for a Report"
"Speech Evaluation Forms"
Subject Categories
"Successful Impromptu Speaking"
"Tips for Effective Poster Talks"
Bean, John. ENGAGING IDEAS: The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing,
Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom.
Foss, Karen and Foss, Sonja, WOMEN SPEAK: The Eloquence of Women's Lives.
Jensen, Karla Kay. PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETENCE: Theory and Practice.
Hill, William Fawcett. LEARNING THRU DISCUSSION: Guide for Leaders and
Members of Discussion Groups.
Mandel, Steve. EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS: A Practical Guide for
Better Speaking.
Morreale, Sherwyn P. THE COMPETENT SPEAKER: Speaker Evaluation Form.
Silberman, Mel. ACTIVE LEARNING: 101 Strategies to Teach Any Subject.
Yoder, Donald, Hugenberg, Lawrence, and Wallace, Samuel. CREATING COMPETENT COMMUNICATION.