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Apply for Housing

Information for incoming & current students regarding applying for housing

Our residential experience is progressive by class year with different types of living communities that complement students' in-class learning. Immersion within these inclusive communities enhances each student's intellectual exploration and personal development, linking liberal arts education with life's work.

Returning/Upperclass Students

The Upperclass Housing Selection Process is drawing near.  Once again this year, we’ll be using Residence, our software program to run this process.  The processes worked well last year and we anticipate they will continue to serve us all well.  Please click here for details about the process.

Incoming Students

All first-year students live in residence halls with students from diverse backgrounds.  Students become accustomed to a new community, exploring their personal interests, adapting to teaching methods at the collegiate level, and learning from each other in ways most have not experienced before.  Students learn together, in a community setting, while living at school.  Through their first-year experience students learn to cope with the transition to college and grow into an independent adult.

Our housing placement process overview for incoming students

  • Incoming students admitted to 富二代视频app University will receive information in their admission packet regarding selecting residential communities.  This packet will be sent from the Admission office.

  • Students are asked questions regarding community and asked to rank their preferences online

    • Building types: large traditional, small or suite-style

    • Room types: Double or single occupancy rooms

    • Floor types: Co-ed or single gender

  • Students are asked questions about themselves and what they are looking for in a roommate

    • Students are asked to describe themselves and how they envision their room environment as well as what they are looking for in a roommate

    • Students who know someone coming to 富二代视频app can indicate an individual they would like to live with; however, this must be mutual in order to confirm placement with one another

  • Students are matched and placed based on their preferences

  • Students are placed after all applications have been received and notified over the summer that their housing assignment is available to view online